Evening Reading

I scored some See's littlepops as a gift on a recent trip and I've decided they are the best candy ever. Chances are its like $15 per box though, but as long as I aint paying, wtf its good stuff!

- In case you're keeping count, 4 more MS flaws
- VeriSign getting out of registrar biz
- The next big thing
- FCC has new rules on wireless
- More on do-not-spam list

Lastly, some coverage of the Windows platform ITunes launch. Oh, dont forget MTV is getting into it now!

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Shacknews.com. Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

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Hello, Meet Lola