Late Night Consoling

I was reading something the other day that got me thinking about Square's canceled Final Fantasy VII remake for the PS2. From what little was revealed about it when it was announced, it wasn't really going to be much of a remake, but instead a more subtle update. The more I thought about it, the more I'd really, really like to see a full Final Fantasy VII remake. I'm not asking for FFX-level graphics, but a nice graphical overhaul would be great, and more importantly, the game could finally get the ending it was supposed to have. As it wasn't until recently that I actually finished the game, I wasn't aware of just how bad the FFVII ending really is...and now that I've seen it, I find myself wishing that Square would just go back and complete the game once and for all. Sadly, it's almost certainly not going to happen any time soon, if ever, for the same reason we most likely won't ever see FFVII-2: either project would require nearly 100% new assets, and for the amount of resources that would be necessary to do that, they could just make an entirely new game. But hey, a fanboi like me can dream, can't he?

PS2 Killzone Unveiled at Long Last
No doubt seriously annoying the guys at Computer and Video Games who have up until now been the sole source for news about this title, Sony Europe finally unveiled Killzone, the upcoming first person shooter from the developer formerly known as Lost Boys (now known as Guerilla Games). Details and the first impressive screenshots are up at IGN, and the game is described as a cross between SOCOM and Halo, as the combat is team-oriented, although you'll only control one character (the rest are AI).
GameCube Pre-Order Rebel Strike, Get Star Wars 1982
LucasArts has announced that those who pre-order Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike will get a special bonus disc, containing playable demos of Rebel Strike and Gladius as well as the complete 1982 Star Wars arcade game, perfectly emulated on the GameCube.
GameCube PS2
EA on Price Drops, Next-Gen Dates
As part of an interview with Reuters, EA CEO Larry Probst mentioned that he expects Sony to make a decision within the next 30 to 45 days regarding another price drop for the PS2. Regarding the next-generation of consoles, he made a very sound estimate, saying that if the development kits for these systems don't ship this Fall, the products won't hit store shelves until 2006.
PS2 More Manhunt Images
More shots from Rockstar's Manhunt are out, this time over at IGN, which has eight low-resolution screenshots and an image of the box art. Yeah they're blurry and small, but this screenshot looks awesome to me.
PS2 Yet another Level-5 RPG
A teaser image has popped up on Level-5's Japanese site, offering a glimpse at a game labeled "NEXT RPG" and adorned with a copyright from Sony Computer Entertainment. The image, while most certainly not a screenshot, is certainly interesting. It's well worth a look.
PS2 Wild Arms F Announced
Sony Japan has announced Wild Arms F, a PlayStation 2 remake of the original Wild Arms. While the original was heavily stylized, this remake will be more realistic looking, along with an updated script, new menu and battle systems, and a full eight playable characters, up from three in the original.
EverQuest Online Adventures Q&A
HomeLAN has conducted a new Q&A with Brady Bell of Sony Online, talking with him about EverQuest Online Adventures: Frontiers. Brady provides plenty of details on the additions to the game over the first EQOA, and he also says the game will not support the PS2 hard drive (actually he says it won't "require" it, but then says they have no specific plans regarding the hard drive).
PS2 New Front Mission in Development
As noted in this story at, Square has posted a notice on their official Japanese language Front Mission site that a new game in their Front Mission series of strategy RPGs is in the works, and details will be released in the near future.
GameCube PS2
Xbox GameBoy Advance

Misc. Media/Previews
GameSpot has a new trailer from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (GC), new screenshots from Project Gotham Racing 2 (Xbox), a preview of Monster Rancher 4 (PS2), new screenshots from Dragon Warrior VIII (PS2), hands-on impressions of Top Spin (Xbox), new screenshots from Syphon Filter: Omega Strain (PS2) and True Crime: Streets of L.A. (GC, PS2, Xbox), hands-on impressions of NHL Rivals 2004 (Xbox), screenshots from Amped 2 (Xbox), a new preview of SWAT: Global Strike Team (PS2, Xbox)and a new trailer from Black 9 (PS2, Xbox). Over at IGN they have an in-depth look at F-Zero GX (GC), a new preview of Final Fantasy XI (PS2), hands-on impressions of Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge and Top Spin (both Xbox) and new footage from Road Rash: Jailbreak (GBA). Elsewhere online, has screenshots from Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution (PS2), Games Are Fun has new shots from Dead or Alive Online and True Fantasy Live Online (both Xbox) and links to a new Japanese commercial for Tales of Phantasia (GBA). Still elsewhere tonight, GameSpy has new previews of Otogi: Myth of Demons (Xbox) and Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (GC, PS2, Xbox), The Magic Box has shots from the Ridge Racer-like Axel Impact: The Extreme Racing (PS2), Computer and Video Games has a new look at True Crime: Streets of L.A. and footage from the PAL version of Soul Calibur II (both GC, PS2, Xbox), has shots from the very strange Flipnic (PS2) and Tony Hawk's Underground (GC, PS2, Xbox), HomeLAN has impressions of Armed and Dangerous (Xbox) and Mixnmojo has a writeup of LucasArts' press event, which contains impressions of their whole lineup for all three platforms. And finally tonight, here are the first screenshots and details from Katamari Damashii (PS2), one of the strangest games I've heard about in a looong time (and I hear about strange games all day, every day).

Console Game of the Evening: Bubble Bobble for the NES. "Cute fun fruity goodness. With all the score tricks, almost unlimited replayability." (submitted by OwenButler).
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