BF Vietnam Q&A


Battlefield Central has posted a Q&A with AJ Marini of Digital Illusions Canada, asking this producer & designer about the upcoming Battlefield Vietnam. Topics include the improved graphics, new game features, hiding in vegetation, new vehicles and new classes. Thanks HLF.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 14, 2003 2:22 PM

    Hmm. The interviewee certainly says the right things ("normal mapped character models", "bumpmapped everything", "foliage to hide in and that affects gameply"), but I'll be damned if I could see ANY of that in the shots that have been released so far.

    • reply
      July 14, 2003 3:09 PM


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      July 14, 2003 3:10 PM

      dude we are such pawns in their hype game.

      i think theyre putting out screenshots that are less than spectacular (or representative) because theyre trying to stimulate discussion. By doing this they keep people tuned in to see the screens of the vietcong-esque jungle cover, new vehicles, and bump mapped loveliness.

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        July 14, 2003 4:04 PM

        Whatever you say, Conspiracy Brother. It's all part of their master plan.

        Do you think most game companies put out screenshots to shut people up and make them not talk about their game?

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          July 14, 2003 4:57 PM

          of course i dont, but i do think they put stuff out to keep people watching. and this has people watching, the total lack of screenshots that resemble vietnam.

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            July 14, 2003 5:10 PM

            Because all game developers try to get people talking about their game by showing off the screen shots that will most disappoint their audience, right? I'm glad you're here to tell me these things; I was under the impression that screenshots were generally intended to foster a positive impression of a game. Silly me.

            This is like every bad high school logic class coming back to haunt me...

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              July 14, 2003 6:22 PM

              LOL youre right, stupid point on my part. they would totally want to show their best, any designer would when putting work together to show the public. I'm making up excuses for the fact they really aren't showing anything impressive....yet.

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      July 14, 2003 8:02 PM

      I saw no bump mapping in those screenies

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