Late Night Consoling


Welcome to this extra special post-E3 LNC. Tonight's update is going to be a little shorter than usual, as most sites posted everything they could think of last week without any consideration for what they were going to do as soon as the thing was over. So tonight's update will be largely made up of things not covered here last week. Which is good for me, as I still have a lot of games to write up (look for a couple more of those articles I've been posting, along with a final recap piece at the end). So without further Apu, let's get on with it, shall we?

PSOne At least they're not getting their hopes up... Gotta hand it to Sony, they're certainly excited about the possibilities of their upcoming PSP handheld system...they expect to ship some ten million units by the end of next year. Well gosh, good luck with that. (FYI: until I get an official logo, this system will be using the PSOne icon).
PS2 PSOne NeoGeo - thanks Sur3aL! SNK Confirmations Galore During the show, IGN spoke with a representative for SNK, who confirmed a handful of exciting projects coming from the company, including King of Fighters 3D, Metal Slug 5, King of Fighters 2003 and even a possible SNK Classics Collection for PSOne or PS2.
GameBoy Advance Stealth Link Announced The people who brought you the clever GBA Afterburner mod have announced their next project...called Stealth Link, it's touted as a wireless alternative to the GBA's link cable. Details are still being finalized, but it's planned for release later this year, and will retail for about $30 - $40. Thanks PlanetGameCube for the tip.
PS2 The New NES-style Controller from MadCatz Here's a silly idea...along with their other products, MadCatz announced the RetroCON, a NES-style controller for the PS2. Of course, why on earth anyone would want to use such a dreadfully non-ergonomic device is beyond me, but it features the same rectangular shape as the old NES controllers, along with teeny dual analog sticks.
Xbox MechAssault Downloads (Finally!) Released If you've logged on to Xbox Live with MechAssault today you probably already know this...but if not, the long-awaited MechAssault downloads have finally been released. By downloading these goodies you'll get the much anticipated CTF mode, along with new maps and new mechs.
PS2 Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Interview As part of their E3 2003 coverage, IGN conducted an interview with Yoshiniro Yamagishi, the producer of Square Enix's Star Ocean: Till the End of Time.
GameCube GameBoy Advance Miyamoto Interview While at E3, Computer and Video Games got to sit down with Shigeru Miyamoto, and they have posted a two part interview with him. Here are links to parts one and two, and in each he talks about various Nintendo-related subjects, including Mario Kart: Double Dash, which was formally unveiled at the show.
GameCube PS2 Xbox TMNT Interview has conducted an interview with Kengo Nakamura, the director at Konami on their upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles title. I had a chance to play this at E3, and it's really quite fun. Very much like the old arcade game.
GameBoy Advance Boktai Q&A Without a doubt one of the wackier games on the show floor was Hideo Kojima's Boktai...IGN caught up with the creator of Metal Gear Solid and asked him some questions about the game, which they confirmed does not work with artificial light (making it completely useless for a recluse like myself).
GameBoy Advance GBA Media Players on the Way has a news item up about two different Game Boy Advance media players that are in the works: the AM3 Video System and 4Kids' Game Boy Advance Video Pak. I had a chance to see 4Kids' version in action, and it's remarkably high quality. I wouldn't consider picking one up myself, but if I were a kid who wanted to watch Pokemon on an airplane, it'd be a pretty cool way to do that.
Console Game of the Evening: Football for the Intellivision. "Probably the best Football game for quite some time. (Until Tecmo?) Nice play selection (custom plays1) and more than 3 players per side." (submitted by jake).

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola