Call of Cthulhu Publisher


The guys at Headfirst finally found a new publisher for their horror action game Call of Cthulhu, and that publisher is Bethesda. The oft-delayed PC/Xbox game is currently scheduled for an early 2004 release and will be shown at E3 next week.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 7, 2003 12:02 PM

    Please God let this be a good game. Scarier than Doom 3 meets the AvP 1 (the marine missions) meets Resident Evil.

    Oh, and please give me huge pectoral muscles, thanks.

    • reply
      May 7, 2003 12:59 PM

      It'll be good, I played an early version at ECTS last year and it was hella atmospheric. The guys I've met from HeadFirst have also been some of the nicest in the industry, so it's really cool they've landed a publisher now.

      • reply
        May 7, 2003 2:07 PM

        I had heard the game would feature no on-screen hud or anything like that, that you'd just have to figure everything out on your that so?

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