
You didnt see anything wrong this morning for a few minutes. You didnt see anything wrong. Maarten swears he is uploading that CliffyB interview from so long ago right now. It's screaming at 13k/s. Speaking of stuff like that, remember that DOOM interview? Yeah apparently it just simply took too long being held up by 'the suits' that it was decided we should can the whole thing. But I'm told we'll have something cool DOOM related for you guys in the future around these parts in the coming months. Maybe :) Server stuff for the nerds: We're playing around with a new SQL around these parts which apparently fits really well with the queries that we do on our servers. The return of the comment search is on the horizon. More fun server stuff, we had one of those 15K RPM Ultra160 drives in the RAID fail last week and I got the replacement drive in just the other day. It should take us about an hour to get things replaced and the raid rebuilt. So I would suspect 5-6hrs of downtime some time this week :) movie: I'm about to get killed a million miles from nowhere with a gung-ho iguana who tells me to relax.

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Shacknews.com. Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

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