E3 2002 Impressions


I've managed to finally post some of my first game impressions. Unlike Jason I can only slowly squeeze out this kind of stuff. I'm dead tired right now but here are my impressions of No One Lives Forever 2 and Raven Shield. I hope to get Deus Ex 2, Splinter Cell, XIII, James Bond: Nightfire and Elite Force 2 impressions up tomorrow along with the Shack DOOM 3 writeup by all three of us of course. Not like you haven't read everything about DOOM 3 already. For those wondering about the videos, it's just a pain in the ass to do that on a laptop. Just not something that we cleverly planned or anything like that. We will have several game trailers (though I saw that several developers have been releasing those on the net already, which is cool), along with hopefully a few interviews.

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