Early Evening Reading

Another ER, can you believe it? I sure can't. Early Evening Reading is taking you on another rollercoaster ride through the magical intarweb world. Disneyland got nothing on us.

- CNN has an overview of all the developments today in the war against terrorism. Worries about water getting poisoned is the latest thing.
- The European Union isn't very happy with Microsoft and might fine the company $2.5 billion for misleading EU investigators in their antitrust case.
- Some people just don't learn.
- Chris Johnson found CliffyB's favorite online store.
- Apparently people in Australia are getting all excited about their largest dinosaur ever.
- Someone is actually sueing over Barry Bonds's 73rd homerun ball.

Lastly, here is a Wired.com story about the weird Osama bin Laden poster that has been showing up in places. The thing is that it includes Bert from Sesame Street.
From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola