Evening Reading

Even though the weather is bad, Evening Reading makes another EST appearance. Snow, rain? Hah, ER laughs and spits at it. You need more than that to stop him. In fact we aren't sure he can be stopped. He just shows up every night.

- The Tomb Raider movie is getting closer to release, and Dark Horizons has a new teaser poster. Hmm Angelina Jolie..
- Looks like those dinosaurs had pretty neato skies compared to us.
- MSNBC has a story about a v-chip which will be in the XBox. CliffyB and some others are quoted with his reponse to the parental control news, and the Shack is mentioned as well, wooh. Thanks The Skull.
- Damn, I never would've known. Long working hours harms sex live! Get out of here.
- Do not touch the ass!. Doh.

And lastly, sorry but this is more like an IOTD but Michael Jackson sure keeps looking freakier everytime I see a picture.
Hello, Meet Lola