Halo Chat

There was a Halo chat with some of the Bungie guys a couple of hours ago on IGN, and several websites have edited chat logs. Xbox Faction, MSXbox, XboxAddict, choose whatever you like, heh. Matt and John from Bungie answered a lot of questions with "undecided" and "can't tell yet", but they did stress again that Halo will appear on the PC and Mac as well besides the Xbox.

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Q: Will all the Xbox, Mac and pc users be able to play together?
A: It's really hard to say at this point one way or another, but if I had to bet I'd say no. PC/Mac netplay is a more likely proposition, if you catch my drift.

Q: Will the X-Box have a simultaneous release date on X-Box and the PC?
A: I already answered that, but for anyone who missed it: no. The Xbox version will ship before the Mac/PC versions. I don't know how much later they'll follow, but they're a separate development effort.

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