V5-6000 Benchmarks


FiringSquad is probably the last out of the gate with their Comdex wrap-up. The special part about this warp-up though is that they managed to get some benchmarks of the ill-fated 3dfx V5-6000. Very fast, yow.

Steve Gibson is the cofounder of Shacknews.com. Originally known as sCary's Quakeholio back in 1996, Steve is now President of Gearbox Publishing after selling Shacknews to GameFly in 2009.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    November 23, 2000 9:08 AM


    • cot legacy 10 years legacy 20 years
      November 23, 2000 9:36 AM

      Yeah, well it's real easy to put out benchmarks on a system that will never see the light of day :)

    • reply
      November 23, 2000 9:42 AM

      3dfx was bin sorting the VSA-100 chips that were to be used on the V5-6000. IT would have shipped at 200mhz with 200mhz memory.

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