Wi-Fi 7 certification is being implemented on new devices now

Published , by TJ Denzer

Wi-Fi 7 could become the next major standard when it comes to high-speed wireless internet, and now the Wi-Fi Alliance is certifying devices for it. The Alliance announced it was now certifying laptops, mobile devices, and other internet enabled tech with Wi-Fi 7 to ensure that these devices would be interoperable on the new wireless framework.

The Wi-Fi Alliance announced Wi-Fi 7 certification in a press release earlier this week. Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 7 devices are guaranteed to operate on the new generation of service, which is said to be much faster and feature lower latency than even Wi-Fi 6E. The Alliance shares more details about Wi-Fi 7’s benefits below:

Wi-Fi Alliance's chart shows the benefit and improvements of Wi-Fi 7 over previous wireless internet frameworks.
Source: Wi-Fi Alliance

AR and VR applications will likely be the key beneficiaries of Wi-Fi 7’s improved network bandwidth and latency. As we move further into new technologies requiring wireless connectivity (such as the transparent and wireless TVs shown at CES 2024), Wi-Fi 7 will likely become all the more important as a new wireless internet standard. Moreover, where corded connections have almost always been superior to Wi-Fi in most cases, Wi-Fi 7 will likely be able to further close the gap in quality for activities such as online gaming, conferences, and more.

As we wait to see fully what Wi-Fi 7 can do, stay tuned for more details and updates on the new technology right here at Shacknews.