Dragon's Dogma 2 Steam page reveals March 2024 release date

Published , by TJ Denzer

This week, Dragon’s Dogma 2 was set to have a big showcase that would reveal numerous details about the game, including its release date. Apparently, however, the Steam page gave that information up sooner than expected. Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Steam page has been updated and, along with it, a release date has been posted. The game releases in March 2024.

The Steam page for Dragon’s Dogma 2 seems to have been updated just ahead of a special showcase for the game on November 28, 2023. While the showcase was expected to give us that release date, the Steam page seems to claim that Dragon’s Dogma 2 is releasing at the midnight (EST) stroke of March 22, 2024. It’s unknown if this was a mistake or purposeful, but given its proximity to the showcase, it’s likely that the release date is accurate.

The Steam page for Dragon's Dogma 2 may have let slip the release date ahead of the game's November 28 showcase.
Source: Steam

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has been quite the surprise ever since we learned it was in development back in June 2022. The fantasy action-RPG has never been the biggest jewel in Capcom’s crown, but it still has a lot of faithful fans that loved its adventures, its massive monster battles, and its unique Pawn system that let you craft your personal bodyguard and companion and share it with other players. The sequel looks like it will be improving and expanding on everything the original Dragon’s Dogma did so well, and now we have an idea of when it’s coming.

The Dragon’s Dogma 2 showcase still likely has further fun to share, so stay tuned as we bring you the latest coverage and details on the game as they drop.