Star Wars Outlaws won't use procedural generation; all planets are being handcrafted

Published , by TJ Denzer

Ubisoft floored us when during the summer showcases, it showed off Star Wars Outlaws and a grand galactic campaign in which we’ll play between the boundaries of the Empire and Rebel Alliance. More than that, we were amazed to see such well-crafted worlds and the means to move between them. It’s all being painstakingly crafted by the devs at Ubisoft too, no random procedural generation here, as revealed by creative director Julian Gerighty in a recent interview.

Gerighty shared details about the environmental scale and design of worlds in Star Wars Outlaws in an interview with Edge Magazine, as reported by GamesRadar. According to Gerighty, the team has not been using any form of procedural generation for the environments players will explore, it’s all being painstakingly crafted by the crew. He also goes on to share just how big some of these areas are.

“It's a crude analogy, but the size of one planet might be about [equivalent to] two of the zones in Assassin's Creed Odyssey,” Gerighty shared.

As we fly from planet to planet, nearly everything in the areas we play will be handcrafted by Ubisoft Massive.
Source: Ubisoft

As for how Ubisoft Massive is taking on stuffing such large areas with interesting activities and stories to explore, he claims that creating it in a way that’s as sensible for the team as it is for the player is a priority.

"It could be two to three zones. But it's not, you know, this sort of epic 'the whole of England recreated' approach," Gerighty clarified. “[It will be] manageable in size for both the player and developer at Ubisoft Massive.”

Star Wars Outlaws caught millions of eyes and hearts when it was surprisingly revealed during the Xbox Games Showcase 2023 presentation in June. It’s shaping up to be a solid open-world action adventure in the Star Wars universe, but we’ll see for ourselves when it arrives sometime in 2024. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to move towards that release window.