Jackbox Games CTO reflects on 10 years of Jackbox Party Packs

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

It's hard to believe that Jackbox Games has been in the business of making Jackbox Party Packs for a full decade. This is indeed a milestone year with the upcoming release of The Jackbox Party Pack 10. To learn more about what to expect and what the process of designing mini-games entails, we spoke with Jackbox Games CTO Evan Jacover.

"Anyone in the company can pitch games," Jacover told Shacknews. "We've had games come from every department, every type of employee at the company. We used to do a lot more paper and pencil testing and that used to be how every game started. We go through a lot of index cards and Sharpies just testing out game ideas. During the pandemic, we had to find other ways to test games, because we were remote."

Jacover also discusses the addition of Tee K.O. 2 and reflects on the past decade of making Jackbox Party Packs. We're expecting The Jackbox Party Pack 10 to release around its usual fall window on all major platforms. For more interviews like this, check out Shacknews and GamerHubTV on YouTube.