All Blue Medallions - Resident Evil 4

Published , by David Craddock

As you explore Capcom's Resident Evil 4 remake, you may notice blue coins dangling from windmills, trees, and other incongruous areas. Knowing how to destroy those blue medallions is an easy way to earn spinels from the merchant, which you can trade for better items such as gun stocks, treasure maps, and more. There are six "Destroy the Blue Medallions" blue notes in Resident Evil 4, and this guide--and our accompanying video walkthroughs--will help you destroy them all.

Use the following links to jump to the Blue Medallions you need to find and destroy:

Blue Medallions and merchant requests

The Destroy the Blue Medallions request begins after you survive the mob attack in the Village Square. Loot the area clean after the enemies disperse--to play bingo, of course--and then make your way north. You'll come to a gate that leads to the Farm. Five blue medallions are scattered around this area.

A map of an area before picking up a Destroy the Blue Medallions request note...
... and the same map after picking up a Destroy the Blue Medallions request note.

One bit of trivia before we get into the specifics of destroying the blue medallions. The first "Destroy the Blue Medallions" request is the first side quest of Resident Evil 4. Side quests take the form of requests from the merchant, who will give you spinels--a pinkish mineral--that you can trade him for better items such as weapons, stocks for certain guns, treasures, and tickets that unlock weapon upgrades.

The details of these side quests can be found on blue notes written by the merchant, and the blue notes are placed in certain areas you'll pass through as you complete Resident Evil 4's story. Picking up a note adds it to your file log, where you can reference it for the details of any request you've undertaken.

You don't need to pick up these notes to undertake the requests. Blue medallions, for example, are visible in the world before you have the blue note that corresponds to them. However, picking up the blue note for a "Destroy the Blue Medallions" task one will add medallion icons to your map, making them easier to find. Don't hesitate to shoot blue medallions as you find them, but make sure to pick up any blue notes you find to make homing in on difficult-to-find medallions easier.

Destroy the Blue Medallions 1 - The Farm

The screenshots below will show you where you should stand on the map to put each of the farm's five blue medallions in your sights. While you'll be able to see many of them from other vantage points, Leon's positioning in these screenshots are guaranteed to help you find all five coins quickly and easily.

Four of the five medallions can be shot and destroyed at ground level. The easiest coin to locate is attached to the back of the shed that houses the save typewriter.

One medallion is attached to the back of the shed where you can save your game.

You'll find one in the barn near where cows graze; look on the rear side of one of the posts.

You'll find one medallion on a post in the barn.

Look for another hanging from a beam in the large barn to the east. You can shoot it from ground level, or from a wooden walkway found on the upper level of the northern building where you found the note.

This blue medallion is just hanging out.

The fourth medallion is hidden in the shed to the west, hanging from one of the rafters.

One blue medallion hanging almost out of view in a shed.

To spot the last medallion, head north into the gatehouse where you found the blue request note and climb the ladder. Near the machinery with a missing cog, go through the closed door, loot the crates on the walkway, and drop down. Turn around to find the medallion.

Climb to the upper level of the Farm area to get this medallion.

Once you've completed a request, Talk to the merchant at any of his locations to receive your spinels automatically.

Destroy the Blue Medallions 2 - Fish Farm

The five blue medallions you need to seek out and destroy in Destroy the Blue Medallions 2 are scattered across multiple areas. As before, picking up the merchant's blue request note outlining your side quest will cause the blue medallions to appear on your map. You'll find the request note in the Quarry nailed to a post; make sure to pick it up so you have an easier time locating the coins on your map.

A map of the Fish Farm.

The first medallion is in the Quarry, an area you'll pass through on your way to the Fish Farm. You can spot it while standing out in the open, but be careful! A couple of Las Plagas-infected dogs are waiting to give you a very cold, very painful welcome. Before you see them, you'll notice a group of crows standing around exchanging stories about their days (oh, the things those crows have seen and heard). A single Flash Grenade will kill the flock, and they each leave behind an item. Dispatch the crows by tossing a Flash Grenade, then enter cautiously and deal with the dogs.

Once the Quarry is clear, look up and to the north; you'll see a Blue Medallion hanging from the railing of a wooden platform. Snipe it to collect it. (There's also a Ruby in a lamp hanging from a rope running between platforms. Shoot it down and grab it.)

Blue Medallion in the Quarry.

Four blue medallions remain. Three of them are in the Fish Farm, the next area you must explore to satisfy your current objective to refuel the boat docked nearby. You'll find them hanging inside and outside buildings.

Blue Medallion on a post in the Fish Farm.
Someone toss this Blue Medallion a life preserver!
Don't let this Blue Medallion hide from you.

The best time to collect the fifth and final blue medallion is after you've found the Boat Fuel in the Fish Farm, since you'll be heading to the dock anyway. Stand near the boat, then turn Leon so he's facing the way you came. You'll see the blue coin hanging from one of the pilings on the underside of the dock.

Dock this Blue Medallion's pay for hiding on the job.

Five medallions down, zero to go. Pay the merchant a visit to collect your spinels for a job well done.

Destroy the Blue Medallions 3 - The Castle Gate

Destroy the Blue Medallions 3 is the longest such side quest you've undertaken so far. There are six blue medallions to find and shoot, and some of them are hidden in fiendishly hard-to-spot areas. Fortunately, they're all in one area rather than spread out like the sapphire-colored coins in the Destroy the Blue Medallions 2 request.

You won't receive this blue note request until you've completed a few steps. It becomes available in chapter 7, the first chapter set in the Castle region. Early on, you'll battle zombies and destroy catapults as the monks chase you and Ashley. Raise the cannon and blast down the door to enter the courtyard. Once you're in the courtyard, you'll find the Destroy the Blue Medallions 3 blue note request on a pillar near the entrance to the castle itself. Definitely pick it up; some of these medallions are among the trickiest to find.

A map revealing all Blue Medallions outside the Castle's entrance.

Most of the medallions can be found in the area where you ran around destroying catapults. For the first, turn around from the pillar where you picked up the blue note and go to the steps of the Castle Gate. The blue coin is hanging far in the distance to the northwest. You can pick it off with a pistol, but don't hesitate to break out a rifle and use a scope to zoom in for better accuracy.

Snipe this Blue Medallion from afar.

Another blue medallion can be found hanging in the front entrance of the building in the north. Pop it with your pistol, then head into the building and through the western door (which was locked until you opened it from the other side) to find a third medallion hanging against the back wall. It's close enough for you to jab with your knife if you prefer to save ammo.

Peek-a-boo, I see you, Blue Medallion.
Knife versus Blue Medallion. Guess which one wins.

Yet another medallion hangs from the domed building near where the cannon now sits. You can shoot it from the northern building, or walk up to it and stab or shoot it easily.

I spy with my little eye... a Blue Medallion!

We've saved the trickiest medallions for last. Collect the fifth blue medallion by shooting through the gate to where it hangs. Lastly (and finally!), you can snipe the sixth blue medallion by dropping down into the area where you raised the cannon, following the path to the ladder, climbing up and turning to look off in the distance toward the southwest.

This Blue Medallion deserves to be behind bars.
You're the last Blue Medallion standing... er, hanging.

The merchant is well aware of the effort involved in the Destroy the Blue Medallions 3 request, so he pays a handsomer reward than before: Five spinels! They'll come in handy, especially if you've been saving up for some of his best treasures.

Destroy the Blue Medallions 4 - Great Hall

Like the merchant's "Destroy the Blue Medallions 2" request in the Village region of Capcom's Resident Evil 4 remake, the "Destroy the Blue Medallions 2" request calls for you to explore several areas shooting off from the Grand Hall. You'll find the blue note detailing the request in the save room just off the Grand Hall, where you'll also find the merchant and another shooting gallery.

Three of the medallions you need can be found in the Grand Hall. Head toward the way you entered and look in one of the alcoves to find the first medallion.

This place is too nice for the likes you of, Blue Medallion.

Turn around and head toward the far end of the Grand Hall, where Ashley will point out a statue. Skirt around the statue to find the second blue medallion.

This Blue Medallion is hiding behind the statue in the Grand Hall.

A third medallion can be found on the upper lever of the Grand Hall dangling from one of the chandeliers. It can be hard to spot among the bright bulbs, but you can get a good angle by taking the rightmost set of stairs as you're facing the doors you entered the Grand Hall through.

Another Blue Medallion, this one on a chandelier above the Grand Hall.

The Dining Hall is just off the Grand Hall. Hug the east wall and turn toward the last window, where another blue medallion peeks out from behind the curtain.

The Blue Medallion in the Dining Hall.

While you're on the upper level of the Grand Hall, head through the door leading north to the Armory. A blue medallion can be seen hanging between a set of blue drapes over the entrance. You can get this one before or after you drop into the pit in the center of the Armory.

Blue Medallion in the Armory.

The sixth medallion is located in the Gallery. Look for it affixed to a stone column near the bridge you'll raise that connects the Gallery's entrance and the platform containing a puzzle piece you need for your main mission.

Blue Medallion in the Gallery.

With all six blue medallions destroyed, hit up the merchant for your reward.

Destroy the Blue Medallions 5 - Cargo Depot

Once you're on the Island, you'll find the Destroy the Blue Medallions 5 request just off Facility 1 Storage. Once you're in chapter 14, look for the blue request note pinned on a wall on your way to the shooting gallery.

The Blue Medallions themselves can be found in the Cargo Depot. Open the gated entryway then turn to your right. One Blue Medallion can be found hanging in the distance over the barbed-wire fence.

The first Blue Medallion in the fifth request.

For the second Blue Medallion, head a ways into the Cargo Depot. You'll find it hanging over a giant tank near the northwest corner of the map.

The second Blue Medallion in the fifth request.

Someone stuck the third Blue Medallion on the side of a shipping container. Look for it in the south end of the Cargo Depot by facing west toward the dark region of the map.

The third Blue Medallion in the fifth request.

To shoot the fourth Blue Medallion, you'll need to progress in the game until you reach an area that takes you onto a platform above the Cargo Depot. You'll know when you get there when you cross through Waste Disposal and reach another save room with a merchant stand. Head outside and face south. The Blue Medallion is hanging attached to a factory building in the distance.

The fourth Blue Medallion in the fifth request.

You'll get the final Blue Medallion in this area when you hop down into the Cargo Depot. Go toward the yellow construction equipment and you'll spot it easily.

The fifth and final Blue Medallion in the fifth request.

Destroy the Blue Medallions 6 - Cliffside Ruins

Destroy the Blue Medallions 6 is the final medallions-centered side quest of Resident Evil 4. Send the merchant home happy by clearing the Island of these pesky (yet strangely unobtrusive) blue icons. Your mission begins in the Cliffside Ruins of chapter 15, where you'll find the blue request note that kicks off Destroy the Blue Medallions 6. All five of the medallions you have to destroy are scattered across the ruins, but they're high and low, so you'll need to do some climbing--and sniping in at least one instance--to hit all of them.

Start off on the right foot by hitting this easy-to-find Blue Medallion hanging from an archway at the west end of the ruins.

One Blue Medallion hangs from an archway.

Follow the path in the middle of the Cliffside Ruins toward the ladder, but don't jump down just yet. Peek around the side of the archway beyond the ladder to find another medallion.

This Blue Medallion is just out of view near the ladder in the ruins.

Now jump down the ladder and follow the trail to its terminus. On the left, you can look out an open window and spot another Blue Medallion hanging in the distance.

You'll find this Blue Medallion by hopping down the opening.

The fourth Blue Medallion of this request--and the penultimate blue coin in the game!--can be found hanging from the scaffolding along the trail leading out of the ruins.

The toughest Blue Medallion to find is located all the way across from the ruins, hiding in the bell tower of a church. Don't try to tag it with a handgun; you'll want a rifle with triple magnification (zoom-in) to get it.

You'll almost certainly need to snipe this Blue Medallion to claim it.

Once you've rounded them all up, return to the merchant for your final reward of spinels--for the Destroy the Blue Medallion side quests, anyway.

There are other, much more challenging blue note requests to tackle over Resident Evil 4's chapters. Visit the Shacknews Resident Evil 4 strategy guide for information on how to solve others such as the "A Savage Mutt" side quest, one of the toughest in the early game, or "A Merciless Knight," one of the Castle's most challenging optional missions.