Catch Me a Big Fish request - Resident Evil 4

Published , by David Craddock

Decades of scientific analysis have concluded that every great video game includes a fishing mini-game in some form, and Capcom's Resident Evil 4 remake is no exception. This guide will help you solve the merchant's "Catch Me a Big Fish" request by netting a lunker that would make Link jealous.

Where to catch a big fish

The "Catch Me a Big Fish" request can be found in chapter 4. By "big fish," the merchant means a lunker, the largest fish in the lake (that isn't a boss trying to kill you). Lunkers can be found in certain areas, and the most convenient of those is the Boat House, where the chapter begins.

After Leon catches up with his operations handler, you may notice that the boat you used to battle the Del Lago monster in the lake has seen better days. You need a new ride, and it so happens there's one nearby. Open your map for an assessment of the path. You'll be following the linear path into a new area called the Mural Cave, where you should see a dock with a boat icon next to it. There are a few enemies on the way, a tougher breed of Ganados sprouting Las Plagas from their necks. Exercise caution as you fight your way to the boat.

Once you've claimed your chariot, pilot your way back to the Boat House and take a look at the water. The lunker leaps from the water and splashes around. To "catch" a lunker, hop into the boat and throw a harpoon at it, then guide the boat beside it and press the confirm button to add it to your inventory.

You can also shoot lunkers with your weapons, but why waste ammo? Throwing harpoons is fun! More importantly, it costs you nothing. Don't stop at one lunker. The merchant will buy them for a good sum. Another type of fish, the black bass, can be caught and sold or eaten to restore health, but it won't satisfy the criteria of the request.

Polish off the "Catch Me a Big Fish" request by returning to any of the merchant's stands and selling the lunker to him. You'll keep the cash and earn spinels that can be traded for the merchant's best items.

You need to catch a lunker to complete the merchant's 'Catch Me a Big Fish' request.

You should finish the "Catch Me a Big Fish" request before you depart from the lake area. Once you progress further in the Village region of Capcom's Resident Evil 4 remake, you won't be able to return. Keep the Shacknews Resident Evil 4 strategy guide bookmarked to make sure you don't miss any other blue notes in the vicinity, such as the Viper Hunter request.