Star Trek Online: Refractions brings an end to the Terran Gambit Arc today on PC

Published , by TJ Denzer

If you’ve kept up on Star Trek Online, then you may fully be aware that the game has been going through quite the interesting story arc over the course of the last year. The conclusion of that arc ends today on PC and will be coming to consoles soon. Cryptic Studios and Gearbox Publishing announced Star Trek Online: Refractions’ launch on PC, bringing a thrilling ending to the Terran Gambit Arc.

The announcement of Star Trek Online: Refractions’ PC launch came via the Star Trek Online website. As of today, players on PC can explore the thrilling conclusion of the long, ongoing Terran Gambit Arc, which has featured the return of iconic characters and their actors such as Wil Wheaton as Terran Emperor Westly Crusher and Gates McFadden as Terran Dr. Beverly Crusher, and Chase Masterson as Terran Admiral Leeta. This chapter of the game marks the culmination of so many plot points that have been set up over a long course of time.

Star Trek Online: Refractions marks the end of a long story arc which has seen us brush elbows with a Mirror version of Westly Crusher as the all-powerful Terran Emperor.
Source: Gearbox Publishing

There’s more than story to Star Trek Online: Refractions as well. Other content is coming to the game, as described by Cryptic Studios:

Players on PC can explore all of this content starting today. Console players will get their chance at Star Trek Online: Refractions at a later date. Be sure to stay tuned here at Shacknews to find out when as we continue to cover Star Trek Online.