Weekend Discussion - January 21, 2023

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

Howdy, all! I'm happy to let you all know that Denny's doing much better and is in much higher spirits. Regardless, I'm going to be filling in for him on this end for a bit, so let's dive into the Saturday edition of Weekend Discussion.

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!!!

Granblue my mind!

Excited to see this one later this year!

Cheering on Mega Ran

You go, Mega Ran!

End of week state of mind



It's been a minute, but...

Why would anyone stand there and taunt the homicidal creature? Just run, every time!

Weekend grooves

Step into the multiverse of music this weekend with this latest compilation from GameChops.

That's it for this Weekend Discussion! We're excited to hear from you, too, so join the conversation and dive into the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below. I'll see you all next week!