Destiny 2 adding another guaranteed weekly weapon pattern for Season of Plunder

Published , by TJ Denzer

Grinding for weekly weapon patterns has been a bit of a slog in Destiny 2, but according to the latest This Week at Bungie blog, Bungie recognizes the issue and is about to alleviate that grind a bit. Some changes to perks coming this week and next will be able to guarantee another weekly weapon pattern, giving players a faster track to crafting the seasonal weapons they want, especially during the Season of Plunder.

Bungie detailed the changes to weekly weapon patterns and the perks that affect their drops during the latest This Week at Bungie blog. The specific details are related to a patch that’s coming next week. One of the big changes coming in said patch is a major change to the Double Perk Weapon Spoils Crew Upgrade. You can check out the details of the change below:

“To alleviate some of the pressure in acquiring Season of Plunder weapon patterns, the Double Perk Weapon Spoils Crew Upgrade will now give you a Deepsight modded weapon the first time you focus a weapon each week,” This Week at Bungie reads.

With the changes to weapon patterns perks in Destiny 2, players should be able to alleviate the grind to craft their target weapons in the Season of Plunder.
Source: Bungie

Weekly weapon patterns have been very difficult to grind. Even if you’re lucky, you need 5 patterns to complete a targeted weapon. With the change outlined above, players should be able to expedite the process a bit and get on their way to crafting the weapon they’re targeting. Between another perk in the game, players should be able to catch a random weapon pattern and a targeted weapon pattern each week to give them a bit more control over crafting.

Need help with any of this? We have you covered. Be sure to check out our myriad of Destiny 2 guides and walkthroughs for all of your weapon, gear, and skill build needs. We’ll have the patch notes as soon as the latest Destiny 2 update launches next week.