Dark Passenger studio founded by former members of CD Projekt Red

Published , by Morgan Shaver

A few former CD Projekt Red employees have grouped together to create an indie studio in Warsaw, Poland called Dark Passenger. The studio is currently being led by Jakub Ben as CEO and Paweł Kuleta as COO, with Marcin Michalski as the studio's gameplay director and Magdalena Furman working as a 3D character animator, among others. 

While the studio is currently working on its first game, it’s been active over the last 5 years as a RealTime Warriors CGI studio, helping make animations, cinematic sequences, characters, and worlds for other indie and AAA games. On the studio’s website, additional information about Dark Passenger can be found which reads:

© Dark Passenger

In regards to the project that Dark Passenger is currently working on, it’s said to be an online action game with “procedural solutions” set in feudal Japan that'll allow players to take on the role of shinobi and kunoichi warriors. According to the project’s page on the Dark Passenger website, it’s being developed using Unreal Engine 5 and will have a first-person perspective (FPP), co-op, and PVP/PVE, among other features.

The project’s description also shares that it’ll use a locomotion system that’ll allow players to “perform incredible evolutions such as running on arrows that were fired by other players, fast climbing on vertical surfaces with the use of shuko claws or using yari spear like a pole to jump over obstacles.”

© Dark Passenger

Info on when we can expect to see the game has yet to be shared, but it’s noted that it’ll release on platforms such as Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC. For more on Dark Passenger, check out the studio's website.

And while we wait to hear more about Dark Passenger and the game the studio has been working on, be sure read up on other CD Projekt Red-related news such as how The Witcher 3’s next-gen version arrives in Q4 2022 with Netflix show-related DLC.