Breaker puzzle solution - The Quarry

Published , by Donovan Erskine

The Quarry is another decision-based horror game from the creators of Until Dawn, and follows a group of counselors fighting to survive one extra night at their summer camp. At a certain point in the story, players will find themselves tasked with solving a circuit breaker puzzle. Succeeding or failing at this puzzle is the difference between life and death for Jacob, so let’s look at the breaker puzzle solution in The Quarry.

Spoiler warning: The rest of this article contains heavy spoilers for The Quarry. If you want to avoid knowing anything about the events of the story, turn back now.

Breaker puzzle solution

The circuit breaker puzzle in The Quarry.

The breaker puzzle appears during Chapter 8 of The Quarry, when Ryan and Laura are in the caves below the Hackett family house. Jacob is inside of an electrified cage, and you will need to properly solve the puzzle in order to free him. When given the option to help or leave Jacob, choose to help him. The circuit breaker features four numbered switches. This is the sequence you’ll need to hit them in order to free Jacob:

If you fail the puzzle, you will open the door to the neighboring cage, freeing the creature and killing Jacob. If you choose to leave him in the cell, he will be killed later on when the power gets knocked out and the cages are opened.

That’s how you can solve the breaker puzzle and save Jacob in The Quarry. It’s just one of several instances where your choices can directly lead to a character dying or surviving, so we advise you stay on your toes until the credits roll. If you’ve been playing through The Quarry and feel like you recognize some of those faces, be sure to check out our guide on the game’s voice actor and cast list.