Warlocks & Titans are getting a Solar 3.0 buff in Destiny 2

Published , by Bill Lavoy

Solar 3.0 landed in Destiny 2 with the Season of the Haunted, but some Titans and Warlocks felt that they were a little left behind. Bungie somewhat agrees with this and will be buffing certain aspects of Solar 3.0 for both classes. This buff is expected to arrive with the next hotfix in Destiny 2.

In today’s This Week at Bungie post, the developer recognized that Solar 3.0 didn’t exactly land where they wanted for Titans and Warlocks this season and pledged to make some changes to try and improve the experience and bring it more in line with their goals. Kevin Yanes from the sandbox team had this to say:

Titan & Warlock Solar 3.0 buffs

As a Hunter, I’ve been loving Solar 3.0, so I’m ecstatic to see Titans and Warlocks getting a bit of a buff. Sam Chandler, the Shacknews guru for Destiny 2, was quite let down as a Warlock main. He also carries me through end-game content, so I’m hoping Bungie gives him all the fire required to make my life easier as his backpack. Here are the changes Titans and Warlocks can expect when Hotfix hits on June 7, 2022, at 10 a.m. PDT / 1 p.m. EDT:

Solar Warlock

Solar Titan

I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the changes to Solar 3.0 in relation to Warlocks and Titans. Does this address your concerns, or are these changes going to fall short? Let us know in the Chatty comments below, then hit our Destiny 2 strategy guide when you have some spare time.