Sifu roadmap outlines new difficulty options and Arenas mode

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

It's been known for months that the team at Sloclap will not be stopping development on Sifu anytime soon. However, their plans appear to include much more than a few new difficulty options. There's a full roadmap on the way and it will look to add features, as well as what appears to be a new game mode. On top of that, all of it looks to be coming for no extra charge.

As teased back in early February, Sifu's next update will feature new difficulty options. If you thought Sifu was too hard, you'll soon be able to turn the intensity down a tad. Conversely, if you thought Sifu didn't provide enough of a challenge, the option to turn things up several notches is also coming. That update isn't far away, either. Look for the new difficulty options, along with advanced training and outfit selection features, to arrive next Tuesday, May 3.

Newer ways to play are also on the horizon with future updates. The summer update promises a new scoring system, as well as gameplay modifiers that allow users to curate their Sifu experience. The fall update will include a replay editor, along with additions to the gameplay modifier pool. Lastly, the final update is teasing a new game mode called Arenas. What is Arenas? As of now, nobody knows. Expect to hear more about this in the months ahead.

We didn't particularly enjoy our time with Sifu here at Shacknews. However, we appear to be the outliers, as most Metacritic reviews indicated more above-average scores. Regardless of how the 1.0 product came out, changes and additions are always welcome and it should be interesting to see what comes of these new updates.

We'll keep watching Sifu to see what else Sloclap has in mind for its roguelike brawler. Keep it here on Shacknews for the latest news and updates.