How to play co-op - Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Published , by Sam Chandler

Dying Light 2 Stay Human has co-op, which means you and three friends can get together and work through the campaign. Setting up a co-op session in Dying Light 2 is a straightforward process, only taking a few mouse clicks to begin. Better still, the campaign progress is only for the host, while you can still keep the sweet loot you find while playing. Let’s dive into how all this co-op action works.

How to play co-op

Playing co-op in Dying Light 2 Stay Human is a great way to experience the game’s story and world. By playing with three other players (four people total), you can increase your odds of surviving when playing on the game’s hardest difficulty, enjoy taking on the game’s many challenges and activities, all while in the company of some close friends.

Before you can play co-op in Dying Light 2, you must complete the story mission, Markers of Plague. This is the introductory mission in the city of Villedor where Hakon helps you get a biomarker.

  1. Open the friend menu (F4 on PC)
  2. Click Friends
  3. Find your friend who is in the game and click their name
  4. In the Steam overlay, click the Join Game button on their profile

That’s the whole process for joining a friend’s co-op session in Dying Light 2. If you’re hosting, all you need to do is have your friends join your game. You may need to go into Settings and to the Online tab and change the Game Type to Friends. Leaving it on Public may have random players requesting to join your game.

Once you have requested to join your friend’s game, you should load in automatically wherever it is that your friend is located.

How co-op progress works

Any gear you get during a co-op session will return with you to your solo save.

As for how progress and loot works during co-op in Dying Light 2, it’s also rather straightforward. Only the host’s campaign is affected by the decisions you make. This means you can go back to your own campaign and make different choices. Furthermore, only the host can make the final decision on which choice to make, though you can suggest which dialogue option to pick.

Loot, on the other hand, gets to stay with you. You will get to keep anything you find during a co-op session and take it back to your game. This means you might end up with some powerful weapons. You might even unlock the bow and get to use it early.

On the topic of loot, all the gear is personalized to each player in a co-op game. This means you cannot “steal” loot from someone. Whenever you open a chest, everyone will be able to grab the loot (whether it’s a weapon, armor or materials) as each person’s loot is instanced for them.

Playing Dying Light 2 in co-op is probably one of the best ways to enjoy the game. It means you can work together to make the difficult decisions (like who to assign facilities to: Peacekeepers or Survivors) and even work together to take down the game’s tougher infected enemies. For more tips to help you survive, head over to our Dying Light 2 page.