How to change weapon offset - Halo Infinite

Published , by Sam Chandler

Halo Infinite allows players to offset their weapons, essentially moving them around into a position that best suits them. This is useful if you find that the weapon takes up too much room on your screen. Players on Xbox can offset their weapon too, it’s not just limited to the PC crowd!

How to change weapon offset

To change the weapon offset in Halo Infinite, you will need to go into the UI section of the Settings. In there you will find a series of sliders that will allow you to move the position of the weapon, albeit a small amount. To offset your weapon, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tab over to UI
  3. Scroll down to Weapon Offsets
  4. Use the dropdown box to select the type of weapon you want to offset (melee, pistol, rifle, or heavy)
  5. Use the sliders to adjust the horizontal, vertical, and depth of the offset
This image consists of two images overlayed onto each other to showcase the default and offset weapon positions.

The weapon offset sliders are used to change the position of the weapon type. The horizontal slider will move the weapon left and right with -100% being all the way left and +100% being all the way right. Vertical operates under the same rules, with -100% being all the way down and +100% being all the way up. The depth slider can be a bit more difficult to see at first glance but -100% pulls the weapon closer to your chest while +100% has it the weapon move further way.

Remember that you will need to change the offset for each weapon type. The position you prefer for pistols may be different to your preference for rifle or heavy weapon offsets. While you’re tweaking these settings, it might also be worth looking over our PC graphics settings guide. These details may help make Halo Infinite run better on your machine.

While you can’t completely hide a weapon’s frame from your view, by offsetting your weapon in Halo Infinite you’ll at least clear up a bit of the screen. Check out the Shacknews Halo Infinite page for more information to help you rise up through the ranks.