Pikmin Bloom is Nintendo's next mobile game with Niantic

Published , by Sam Chandler

Pikmin Bloom is Nintendo’s next mobile game developed by Niantic, the team behind Pokemon GO. In Pikmin Bloom, players will be able to collect the plant-like Pikmin as they’re out and about, walking around town or their neighborhood. Check out the announcement trailer below.

Announced via a press release and a surprise video on YouTube, Pikmin Bloom looks to utilize similar mechanics as Niantic’s other hit mobile app, Pokemon GO. In Pikmin Bloom, players are rewarded for each step they take with Pikmin seedlings. The more steps, the more Pikmin that will blossom and join your squad.

As players continue to walk the same paths, flowers will eventually grow, creating a lush, virtual garden. You can also help your Pikmin mature by feeding them nectar and other fruit, which causes flowers to grow atop their heads. Pick the flowers and plant them to grow even more flowers.

The game tracks your steps and your route, which can be further enhanced with photos from your journey to create a sort of journal. The Pikmin will even collect postcards from the various locations you visit that you can keep or send on to your friends.

Pikmin Bloom is available now on iPhone and Android devices in Australia and Singapore and will be available in other countries and regions "shortly", according to the press release. You can learn more by heading to the Pikmin Bloom Twitter account. Keep an eye trained on our Niantic Labs page for more information on Pikmin Bloom.