Twitter Safety Mode enters beta to 'autoblock spammy or abusive replies'

Published , by TJ Denzer

The Twitter platform has similar issues to any of the larger social media apps right now, in that there is always a problem with reliable filtering of spam or threats. There’s message reporting, word filters, and account privacy settings to name a few tools, but no really good way to engage actively in the site with reliable protection from its less savory elements. With this in mind, Twitter is testing a new “Safety Mode” in beta that it will fine tune to hopefully provide an automatic filter and block to spammy and abusive replies on your timeline.

Twitter announced its new Safety Mode system via the Twitter Safety account on September 1, 2021. According to the post, the whole point of Twitter’s Safety Mode is to go beyond the usual safety measures and tools Twitter offers to give users an automatic means of blocking unwanted replies and engagement with their posts. Twitter’s Safety Mode, when utilized, will reportedly “autoblock spammy or abusive replies,” recognizing threats, spam, scams, and more to try to keep your conversations clean of obnoxiousness.

There’s no telling whether or not Twitter Safety Mode will work as advertised just yet, which is likely part of why Twitter is running it through beta first. Reportedly, a select few users will be able to access Twitter Safety Mode over the next few months or so in order to fine tune and ensure Safety Mode knows how to recognize the kind of replies it should be filtering and the ones it shouldn’t.

Given the toxicity on Twitter, Safety Mode doesn’t sound like a terrible new feature. It’s part of a number of features such as the Shop Module that the company is testing as it aims to expand the social media platform. As we learn more about Twitter Safety Mode, its beta duration, and when it will officially come out, stay tuned for more details and updates here at Shacknews.