What song is playing during the Free Guy NBA Finals commercial?

Published , by Shack Staff

Free Guy is a movie about an NPC that finds agency, much like a real player. During the NBA Finals, an ad for Free Guy aired, and with it, a catchy song. For those that aren’t able to immediately pick a song, it’s only natural to wonder what the song is and where you can hear more of those sweet tunes.

The commercial for Free Guy aired during the NBA Finals. The ad, which you can see above, shows the main protagonist (Ryan Reynolds) realizing his full potential, and going about the video game world causing some mischief. As for the actual song that plays during the Free Guy commercial, it’s none other than Baba O’Riley performed by The Who. Check out the full song below.

Baba O’Riley was first released way back in 1971. Since then, people have mistakenly called it Teenage Wasteland. To have a song that is now 50 years old playing on an ad for a video game movie is kind of amazing. Perhaps a new generation of listeners will discover some more of The Who’s classic songs.

Now that you know the song that played during Free Guy, you can go off and enjoy the full track. While I've got you here, why not check out the 2021 video game release date calendar to see what titles are coming out this year?