Hitman 3's next Seven Deadly Sins DLC chapter is Sloth, coming this week

Published , by TJ Denzer

There’s been a lot going on with E3 2021 still running into this week. We’ve gotten a lot of game reveals and there are still more to go, but the folks at IO Interactive had something to show too. Hitman 3’s Seven Deadly Sins DLC is still going and this week marks the third chapter of the content. Things are about to get sluggish as we drag ourselves into the Sloth chapter, complete with all sorts of new sin-related content this week.

IO Interactive announced the new details of Hitman 3’s Seven Deadly Sins Sloth chapter in a press release on June 14, 2021, right alongside a trailer on the Hitman YouTube channel. This one launches on June 15, 2021. As every Seven Deadly Sins chapter explores a different facet of Agent 47’s psyche, Sloth is set to move into more depressed and lethargic points of his being, or force them out into the open by any means necessary.

“I’m going to show you the joy of taking it easy for once… by making it hurt when you don’t,” the voice in the trailer threatens.

It’s been highly interesting to see how these different chapters play out in the Seven Deadly Sins DLC, but they pack on a wide variety of content as well. A new Escalation takes players back to Dartmoor to overcome a new challenge and the kills associated with it. In addition, players will get their hands on the Lotophage Suit, Slapdash Submachine Gun, and Goldbrick Proximity Mine. As with the Greed and Pride chapters, each chapter of the overall Seven Deadly Sins DLC is $4.99 indivudually, with the whole bundle being $29.99.

With the June 15 release date, we won’t be waiting long to explore the feelings of Sloth within Agent 47. Stay tuned for further Hitman 3 patch notes, roadmaps, and Seven Deadly Sins updates as they become available.