Outriders Patch 2 tackles inventory wipe bug, gear restoration on the way

Published , by TJ Denzer

Among the many issues that have plagued Outriders through its launch, the bug wiping out collections of player gear is among the most heinous. Imagine logging in to find that all of the equipment you worked to get your hands on was completely gone? Well, at the very least, imagining is all newer players will be able to do. A new patch has rolled out that apparently puts an end to the inventory wipe bug in Outriders and restoration of equipment for accounts affected will be coming fast following observation of the new patch’s effectiveness.

People Can Fly and Square Enix rolled out Outriders Patch 2 alongside a Reddit post on April 15, 2021. The patch has reportedly been applied on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S versions of the game and will supposedly keep new instances of the inventory wipe bug from occurring. The post mentions that as a direct result of the patch, Outriders characters that have been affected by the bug may notice invisible equipment on their screen. The suggested fix is to reboot the game and wait a few moments for items to reappear.

The inventory wipe bug in Outriders was leaving players completely without gear, but Patch 2 should at least keep it from happening any further with restoration efforts coming soon.

People Can Fly has been hard at work on this particularly devastating bug, even while patching other aspects of the game such as cross-play and server issues (though Technomancers and Tricksters caught a nerf bat in the process of exploitation fixes). A workaround was recently put out to aid players if they see any indication of the inventory loss bug occurring, though this new patch should keep it from happening.

Nonetheless, People Can Fly is far from finished with the situation. Following observation over the coming weekend to see how the patch performs, the developer will begin efforts to restore gear to characters that lost their stuff in the inventory wipe bug. This will apparently be a server-side process and little action should need to be taken on the player’s part.

For all the issues, Outriders has still been fun multiplayer romp. With the inventory wipe bug fixed and restoration of gear fast coming, hopefully we can all get back to enjoying Enoch and slaying its ferocious inhabitants without issue. Stay tuned for further updates as People Can Fly and Square Enix rolls them out.