How to change jobs - Bravely Default 2

Published , by Josh Hawkins

Jobs are like classes in Bravely Default 2 and being able to switch between them easily is one of the best parts of the game. Unfortunately, it might not be immediately clear how to go about changing between the different Jobs you have unlocked in the game. In this guide, we’ll show you how to change Jobs, so that you can start making use of those other options.

How to change jobs - Bravely Default 2

As mentioned above, Jobs are a key part of combat and Bravely Default 2’s gameplay. Jobs dictate what powers your characters can use and can even affect how they attack enemies in normal battles, too. As you progress through the story, you’ll unlock access to a slew of different Jobs, many of which you’ll want to check out to see if they fit your playstyle better.

You can change your Main Job and Sub Job at any point in Bravely Default 2.

To change Jobs, players will need to pull up the game’s main menu by pressing X on the Switch controller. This will bring up a screen with several options, as well as detailed information on your current party of characters.

From this screen, look for the Jobs option on the left-hand side of the screen and scroll down to it. Select it. You should now see a screen with your main character, Seth, and the various Jobs that you’ve unlocked.

To set a new Job for your character, go ahead and scroll down to the job you want to use. In this instance, we’d only unlocked the Freelancer, Black Mage, White Mage, and Vanguard Jobs. Find the Job you want to equip and then press A to bring up a new window.

Here you can set a Job as your Main Job or as your Sub Job. Your Main Job is obviously the most important, but setting a Sub Job will also grant you the option to use some of that other Job’s abilities while in combat. This is especially handy in later parts of the game where you have more Jobs to work with.

Now that you know how to change your Job, make sure you check out our guide on how to save for even more helpful information. You can also head back over to our Bravely Default 2 guide page, where we’ve put together several other articles to help you find your way on this new adventure.