Detroit: Become Human developer Quantic Dream opens Montreal sister studio

Published , by TJ Denzer

For a long time, Quantic Dream has been considered to be one of the more interesting, if not provocative, developers in narrative game design. Games like Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human have explored some tough issues, and regardless of whether they’ve handled those issues right, they certainly made an impact on the players that explored them. Now, it would appear that Quantic is looking to expand its facilities. Quantic Dream Montreal has opened its doors in North America, acting as a sister studio to the original Paris HQ.

The David Cage-led developer opened its doors on Quantic Dream Montreal with a blog post on February 2, 2021. The new office will be headed up by Quebec industry veteran Stéphane D’Astous, who will act as General Manager of the new office. Moreover, Quantic Dream Montreal has also opened its doors for further hiring and staffing within the new office as D’Astous prepares to aid the overall brand with in-house development on new and upcoming Quantic Dream projects.

Led by General Manager Stéphane D’Astous, Quantic Dream Montreal will work hand-in-hand with the original Paris office to develop new projects.

Back in 2020, Quantic Dream recently launched its library of titles on Steam’s storefront, including Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, and Heavy Rain. This was after a stint in which the games first arrived on PC platforms as a timed exclusive for the Epic Games Store in 2019. It stems to reason that Quantic is probably ready to kick it into full gear with a new game in the new future and it looks like Quantic Dream Montreal will be a big part of supporting that cause.

“Our approach is definitely ‘hand in hand’,” D’Astous explained. “We all work on the same projects, which require a great deal of cohesion between the two studios. Here in Montreal, we’re responsible for developing the game mechanics and all the gameplay. We can only succeed if we work as a team.”

With this in mind, it seems as though we can look forward to seeing a new Quantic Dream project make an appearance in the coming future. When it does, expect to find out more about it here at Shacknews.