Apex Legends Season 8 gameplay trailer showcases Fuse's abilities

Published , by Donovan Erskine

Developer Respawn Entertainment recently revealed that Apex Legends Season 8 would begin on February 2, just before the game turns two years old. With a story trailer already released to set the stage for the new season and new Legend, Fuse, Respawn has dropped a gameplay trailer, so that players can see all of the new changes in action. This includes Fuse’s abilities, the new 30-30 Repeater weapon, and major map changes to Kings Canyon.

The new gameplay trailer for Apex Legends can be found on the game’s YouTube channel. In the retro blockbuster-inspired trailer, we see Fuse join the Apex Games and battle it out with the other existing Legends. We also get a glimpse at Fuse using his full set of abilities in battle. This includes his tactical, where he can fire projectiles from his inventory out of his mechanical arm. Fuse also has what looks to be a concussive blast attack used to stun enemies. For his Ultimate, Fuse equips a rocket launcher, sending a blast into the sky, which then rains fire down on his enemies.

Though Fuse got the spotlight, he wasn’t the only thing featured during the Apex Legends Season 8 gameplay trailer. We also saw the new weapon, the 30-30 repeater in action. It’s accuracy combined with its rapid-firing capability makes it a deadly rifle at both close and medium range. Respawn also reveals the new gold magazines, which have the same capacity as the purple mag, but with autoloader functionality.

The Apex Legends Season 8 gameplay trailer also features new cosmetics and skins from the battle pass and store that are set to arrive soon. Apex Legends Season 8 - Mayhem will begin on February 2. For more on Apex Legends, stick with us on Shacknews.