Ghost Recon Breakpoint's Operation Amber Sky crosses over with Rainbow Six Siege

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

Ubisoft has been diving more and more into crossover content over the past couple of years. With that in mind, why shouldn't two of the publisher's Tom Clancy games come together? It'll be like The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones, only with guns! (How's that for a reference? Eh? Eh?) With the situation growing increasingly dire in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint, it's time for the team to engage in Operation Amber Sky. That means joining forces with the tactical squad of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege.

Operation Amber Sky sees the Ghosts looking to stop the latest Sentinel plot, one that involves producing a toxic gas called Amber Ruin. This deadly chemical weapon is being sold all over the world, so it's up to the Ghosts to put a stop to its production and also to find an antidote before it's too late. The mission is so critical, the Rainbow Six Siege team is already on the scene, specifically Ash, Finka, and Thatcher. They'll be playable after the first Operation Amber Sky mission and their full Siege loadouts will be available. That will include Ash's Breaching Rounds, Finka's Adrenal Surge, and Thatcher's EMP Grenades.

In true crossover fashion, rewards will be available for both Breakpoint and Siege. Players can not only pick up over 120 new customization items for Breakpoint, but they can also unlock 11 new rewards (including weapons and skins) for Siege.

Operation Amber Sky will feature nine new missions in total, all of which will be free with Breakpoint's upcoming 3.10 Title Update. In an effort to get as many people jumping into the action as possible, Breakpoint will get a free weekend from January 21-24. The free weekend will be avaialble on PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Stadia.

This isn't the first major Ghost Recon Breakpoint crossover, but it certainly looks like one of its most exciting updates so far. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint's Operation Amber Sky will begin on Tuesday, January 19. You can learn more about this big crossover event over on the Ubisoft website.