Shacknews Twitch Highlights: Unrailed, TMNT, and the Community Shackbattle!

Published , by Josh Hawkins

The Shacknews team has been absolutely killing it lately when it comes to creating tons of great livestream content. If you didn’t have a chance to tune in to the latest shows, then you’ll find quite a few highlights waiting for you in the latest roundup of our Shacknews Twitch Highlights!

There’s a lot to go over here, to be sure. First, we head into the forested world of Unrailed during an episode of Indie-licious. The stakes are high and TJ is definitely up for the battle ahead as he works to lay down new track and keep the train from becoming derailed. It’s a fun time and the highlights include just a few of the clips you can expect to see if you check out the full stream VOD.

Next up are a couple of clips from the launch episode of Greg and Donovan’s new weekly show, Pop! Goes the Culture! The topics up for debate this episode includes Regal Cinemas closing down its US theaters and more. They also talk about the upcoming Resident Evil film, which has been getting quite a few mixed reactions.

For anyone that hasn’t been paying attention to the live streams lately, we recently launched another new show that premieres three times a week. The Stevetendo Show highlights several old-school Nintendo games and this week’s highlights take us on a fun jump through some of Nintendo’s most difficult and most memorable games.

This latest video also includes some sweet footage from one of our latest Stimulus Games, where we bring people together to play games, have a good time, and make a little extra cash on the side. It’s been a fun experiment over the past several months and a lot of fun moments have come out of it.

Make sure you check out the full highlight video above. We’ll have tons of new great content coming to the Shacknews Twitch channel soon, so keep your eyes peeled and don’t forget to throw us a follow and subscribe with your Twitch Prime sub if you want to help support what we’re doing.