Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 6 adds Operators Farah and Nikolai

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

While a new Call of Duty is just around the corner, the sun has not yet set on Modern Warfare. There's still another season of play left to go before jumping into the Cold War and with some time left to go before next week's launch, Activision and Infinity Ward are revealing some details on the next Battle Pass. And that Battle Pass includes two new Operators.

Anybody who has played through the Modern Warfare campaign will be familiar with Farah Ahmed Karim. She was one of the lead characters, learning the harsh art of warfare after witnessing her family's extermination and living under harsh imprisonment. She has since honed her skills with the SAS and now stands ready to join the multiplayer fight as part of Tier 0 of the Season 6 Battle Pass. Players will unlock new cosmetics for her throughout the rest of the Battle Pass.

Modern Warfare campaign players meet Nikolai later down the road. He's a former Russian soldier, mysteriously operating under a code name. As leader of the Chimera PMC, he's one of Captain Price's closest allies. The Russian native is considered a fixer, one who Price is happy to have working with him and not against him. It'll take players a while to get him, as Nikolai is unlocked at Tier 100 of the Season 6 Battle Pass.

The Season 6 Battle Pass will be available for both Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone next Tuesday, September 29. That should help kill some time before the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War open beta starts up on various platforms. Look for more information on the Battle Pass in the days ahead, including information on weapons, skins, currency, and other handy items of note. In the meantime, be sure to read up on the latest Operators on the Call of Duty website.