How to get a solo lobby in Grand Theft Auto Online

Published , by Josh Hawkins

Grand Theft Auto Online has a lot to offer players, especially as Rockstar continues to add new content to the game. If you’re just getting started – or if you’re a long time player returning for another romp through the gorgeous open world that GTA has to offer – then you might find yourself dealing with some pesky players who have a bad habit of killing you for no reason. Unfortunately, this is a huge issue in GTA Online, and one of many reasons that players might be searching for a way to enter a solo lobby.

How to get a solo lobby in Grand Theft Auto Online

One of the most annoying things about GTA Online is aggressive players. While many of the game’s activities pit you against each other, sometimes you’re going to run into that one person that just wants to kill you for the fun of it. This can often lead to you failing missions and other things you want to do – or just interrupt your exploration of the world as a whole.

While some things are locked during a solo session, it can often be handy to head into one if you’re just trying to grab collectibles or work on things that aren’t locked behind being in a public instance. If you’re looking to get a solo lobby in GTA Online, you’re going to have to jump through a few hoops.

You can't start a solo session from the actual online mode, you'll need to do it through the Story.

First, you can’t start a solo session from the actual online game for whatever reason. Instead, you’re going to need to head into Story mode. Once in Story, press the pause button and then navigate over the Online tab. Here you’ll find an assortment of options. Choose Play GTA Online and it will bring up another list of items.

Here you’re going to want to choose the Solo Session option. Alternatively, you can also choose from the other settings like Crew Session, Invite Only, and more. Once you choose Solo Session, the game will load you into a solo instance of GTA Online, allowing you to explore to your heart’s content. Again, this is really useful for completing things like the Solomon’s film props collectibles list, but you will be locked out of CEO and other activities like that that can normally be interrupted by other players.

Now that you know how to get a solo lobby, make sure to head back over to our Grand Theft Auto 5 topic for more helpful information and content.