Shortest and fastest Adventures - Destiny 2

Published , by Sam Chandler

Adventures are little story missions in Destiny 2. For whatever reason, be it the need to grind out Adventures or some other purpose, some players need to know the shortest and fastest Adventures in Destiny 2. Thankfully, there are a few options out there that you can complete in a few minutes and a way to replay adventures.

Shortest and fastest Adventures

Sometimes, Destiny 2 players are asked to complete Adventures. When this time comes, they don’t want to waste time, which is why we find ourselves looking for the shortest, fastest, and quickest Adventures (or any other adjective that describes wanting to get something done ASAP). For those that want to replay Adventures, your only option is the Heroic versions on the Flashpoint planet.

Note that Adventures are only available on the Flashpoint planet. This severely limits your options. For the weekly reset on August 11, 2020, the Flashpoint is Mercury.

The Runner is a pretty quick Adventure in Destiny 2.

The following are the fastest Adventures, but as mentioned above, they may not always be available. The reason for this is that Adventures are only available on the Flashpoint planet. Even still, here are some of the shortest missions:

The first option, Hephaestus, has players destroying computer terminals, entering Alton Dynamic, scanning some other terminals, and defeating the Hive. It’s a fairly easy Adventure that should only take a few minutes to complete.

Another mission on Mars is called Deathly Tremors. For this Adventure, players are tasked with investigating Hive static, searching the Olympus Descent, destroying Hive devices, and finally, defeating any Hive that stand in your way.

Unfortunately, once Beyond Light launches, Mars will no longer be accessible. For this reason, players should also consider the Adventure, A Frame Job on the European Dead Zone.

For A Frame Job, players must sabotage some Fallen equipment and set a trap for Cabal. You enter the mines below the EDZ, kill some Fallen, then wait up on a cliff as Cabal walk through your explosives. It’s an incredibly simple Adventure that will be finished in no time at all.

Nearly every Adventure in Destiny 2 can be done quickly. However, those that need to grind out a bunch of them will want the shortest and fastest options available. Because Adventures are only available on the Flaspoint planet, you're going to be limited in your options. You best bet is to play through them and find one you like. If the Flashpoint is EDZ, always pick A Frame Job. Be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 guide for more farming tips.