BioWare begins attempts to fix Anthem with a priority on new loot systems

Published , by TJ Denzer

It’s been a while since we heard anything regarding the ill-fated Anthem or BioWare’s attempts to right what went wrong with the game. BioWare did promise to look deeply into how to make the game better, and recently it finally posted an update on what direction its taking in this process. Apparently, the effort to turn Anthem into a better game will start at redesigning its loot and equipment systems.

BioWare dropped its latest update detailing the fixes coming to Anthem’s loot on the BioWare blog on July 31, 2020. According to the dev team, equipment and loot drops were one of the most problematic areas of the game among players, so that’s where the team is putting its attention first.

“A good player experience depends on the loot system being extensible and robust, and a lot can go wrong,” the post reads. “A lot did go wrong. We fell short here and we realized that building something new from the ground up was going to be required – starting with taking a long look and understanding the best in class of the many great games that inspire us.”

From increasing respecting player time to increasing loot and gear utility, much of Bioware's changes to Anthem's loot system are built towards making the loot grind more satisfying overall.

To that end, BioWare’s rework of Anthem’s loot tables goes in depth, reworking the rarity system, loot drop occurrence, loot tables, and much more. The loot system will respect player time better with better drop rates and improvement of a bunch of items to make them more competitive and viable. Moreover, BioWare is aiming to take some of the randomness out of the loot drops by giving players opportunities to pursue specific tables of gear in questing and with specialized vendors. Other changes include making the overall feeling of collecting gear more satisfying, yet also making the quest for obtaining better gear more accessible.

There’s still a lot to be done with Anthem and fixing the game’s loot system is only the beginning. BioWare admitted when it announced it was going to redesign Anthem, and reiterated here, that there’s no easy path to getting this done. But it would seem the studio is dedicated to solving the equation of fixing Anthem on multiple fronts and working with players and fans every step of the way to get it done. Stay tuned for more details on the loot system and other fixes coming to Anthem as they become available.