Torchlight 3 gets replacement servers in hopes of fixing connection issues

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

Those anxiously awaiting the arrival of Torchlight 3 got a really cool surprise over the weekend. Torchlight 3 made an appearance during this year's PC Gaming Show with the announcement that the game was now available on Steam Early Access. It should have been an exciting moment, but any enthusiasm was quickly tempered by repeated online hiccups and numerous connectivity issues. Perfect World Entertainment and Echtra Games have been hard at work trying to figure out the issue and it looks like they might have found the problem, stemming directly from the game's servers. On Tuesday, Torchlight 3 received a new patch, which the developers hope will put the connectivity issues to rest.

"We received notice from Google that we were in need of some replacement servers," reads the announcement from developer Echtra Games. "So with this downtime, we have completed maintenance on our servers which should resolve some of the infrequent/consistent server crashes that have been occurring for some players."

Echtra Games has been hard at work regarding Torchlight 3's myriad of issues since its early access launch. The team has implemented hotfixes in hopes of instituting a temporary fix until it ultimately decided to bring the whole thing down for a one-hour downtime on Tuesday morning.

The frequent connectivity issues and server crashes have led to Torchlight 3 being slammed by Steam reviewers. However, the reviewers have cited issues beyond latency. Complaints include a seeming lack of depth, underwhelming character progression, poor looting system, and stale gameplay. It should be noted that there is still room for many of this to change, given the game's current state as an early access title. So whether Torchlight 3 becomes the sequel that its fans have been hoping for remains to be seen.

In the meantime, if you want to try out Torchlight 3, you can pick it up from Steam Early Access. It'll cost $30, though, so take a moment to really think about whether it's worst investing in at this time.