Goku [Ultra Instinct] joins Dragon Ball FighterZ in two weeks

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

While Goku has gradually mastered the art of fighting through his Super Saiyan transformations, he's taken his greatest step yet in the recent Dragon Ball Super series. He has totally transcended the art of battle with his most powerful form, Ultra Instinct. And now, Ultra Instinct Goku is set to join the Dragon Ball FighterZ roster as the game's next DLC character.

Players got a first look at Goku [Ultra Instinct] back at the Dragon Ball FighterZ World Tour Finals. Aesthetically, players will notice that Goku's Ultra Instinct form matches what's in the anime. Goku is still his intense self, but there's now a sense of fluidity and peace to his movements. Goku has reached a state of Zen and it's evidenced in his newfound offense.

In Dragon Ball FighterZ, Goku [Ultra Instinct] has access to a whole different arsenal of moves from his other counterparts. Beyond his hard strikes and his powerful projectiles, Ultra Instinct Goku can use teleportation movements to avoid contact from opponents and then follow up with either a massive fireball blast or a flying punch that can send foes bouncing off walls.

This is the most powerful version of Goku yet, both in the anime and in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Players will get to experience the violent serenity of Goku [Ultra Instinct] when he hits Dragon Ball FighterZ on May 22 as part of the FighterZ Pass 3 DLC package.