How to change voice language - Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Published , by Josh Hawkins

If you’re planning on diving into Final Fantasy 7 Remake now that it is out, then you might find yourself wanting to experience the game in a different language. In fact, many players out there are probably looking forward to playing the game in the original Japanese voice language, and this guide will teach you everything you need to know to change the voice language in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

How to change voice language

While the option to change the voice language was missing from the Final Fantasy 7 Remake demo, the option is available in the final version of the game.

You can change up the voice language from the main menu to hear Cloud, Tifa, and others in different languages. 

Those looking to change up the voice language can do so from the Options menu at any point – however the game will need to be restarted for the language change to actually take effect. Because of this, we recommend going ahead and changing the options from the Main Menu screen before you start up the game. If you find that you aren’t fond of the voice language that you decided upon, you can always save the game and then quit back to the menu to change it again.

Changing the voice language is just one way for players to customize their experience in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. You can also change up your weapons and spells to really mix up your attack options and further optimize your characters for combat the way that you want. When you’ve selected the language you want, back out of the game and restart it. This will set the new language option up, and you can start playing through the game in your preferred tongue.

Now that you know how to change voice language, head back over to our Final Fantasy 7 Remake guide for even more helpful information.