How to get all dresses - Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Published , by Josh Hawkins

There are a total of 9 dresses or Bridal Candidate outfits that players can unlock for Tifa, Aerith, and Cloud in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Players from the original game will probably remember how difficult it was to get all of the dresses in the game, and things are no different in the remake. In this guide we break down everything you need to know to unlock all 9 dresses and complete the Dressed to the Nine’s trophy.

SPOILER: This article contains story spoilers for Final Fantasy 7 Remake. If you want to approach the game with fresh eyes, then turn away now.

How to get all dresses - Dressed to the Nines trophy

There are a total of 9 dresses that you can unlock in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, with Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith each having three dresses that they can acquire. The dresses are all based on the things you do – from making a choice near the start of the game, all the way down to which side quests you complete in another chapter. Thankfully we’ve taken all of the guess work out of it, and we’ll go over how to get each dress for each character below.

The dresses will be worn as part of the narrative at the end of Chapter 9, when Cloud and Aerith infiltrate Don Corneo’s mansion to rescue Tifa. The entire ordeal is a bit of a humorous occasion and having the perfect dress for the occasion is important. While you originally make the decision of what Tifa’s dress will be all the way back in Chapter 3, the dresses don’t come into play until the end of Chapter 9, which means you will have to play through the end of that chapter for it to count towards the trophy.

Now, obviously you can only get one dress per character per playthrough. This means you’ll need to replay the game to unlock all three for each character, but the ability to jump between chapters after you complete the game will make that much easier.

How to get all three dresses for Tifa

Players will be able to choose which dress Tifa wears during Chapter 9 all the way back in Chapter 3. After you complete all of the side quests in Chapter 3, a Discovery Event will appear on your map. Head back to Tifa and Cloud’s apartments, and they’ll have a quick conversation. Tifa will ask Cloud to choose between three options: Mature, Sporty, and Exotic. The option you choose here will determine which dress Tifa wears at the end of Chapter 9 in Corneo’s mansion.

How to get all three dresses for Aerith

Players looking to unlock all three dress options for Aerith will be able to do so during Chapter 3. The dress that Aerith uses is based on how many side quests you complete during the chapter.

How to get all three dresses for Cloud

Like Tifa and Aerith, Cloud has three available dresses. The dress that Cloud wears is also based on side quests. However, this time it isn’t based around how many you do, but instead which of the side quests you complete in Chapter 9.

That’s everything you need to know to unlock all of the dresses for each character in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. It will take you a total of three playthroughs to acquire all of them and complete the Dressed to the Nines trophy. For more help, make sure you check out the rest of our Final Fantasy 7 Remake guide for even more helpful information.