Square Enix makes Tomb Raider free on PC to help players stay at home

Published , by TJ Denzer

With the world mobilized to combat the spread and dangers of coronavirus, COVID-19, a lot of people are stuck indoors in self-isolation and quarantine, so a lot of organizations have stepped up to help quell the boredom. Count Square Enix among them today. The publisher is offering a stay-at-home Tomb Raider bundle that includes both the Game of the Year edition of the 2013 reboot and multiplayer twin-stick shooter Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris for free on PC.

Square Enix announced the Tomb Raider “stay at home and play” free bundle on Square Enix and Tomb Raider Twitters on March 20, 2020. From now until March 23, 2020, players on PC can go and claim both Tomb Raider (2013) Game of the Year Edition and Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris without spending a dime. Just follow the instructions on the Tomb Raider bundle page on Square Enix’s website in order to claim your games for play in Steam.

Square Enix’s Tomb Raider “stay at home and play” bundle marks one of several ways that publishers and developers in the game industry are working to help players going through self-isolation and quarantine stave off boredom. Itch.io also offered a “Games to help you stay inside” page full of free and hugely discounted indie games including Night in the Woods, Nuclear Throne, Where the Water Tastes Like Wine, and much, much more. It’s hard to see just how much we’re in for the long haul as we await solutions on the coronavirus, so it’s great to see developers and publishers lending a hand where they can for those who don’t have coin to put up to kill their boredom.

Want more games to help you keep the indoor blues away? Be sure to check out our helpful list of games to check out while you practice social distancing, including both longterm RPGs and socially enjoyable multiplayer titles.