How to upgrade the Praetor Suit - Doom Eternal

Published , by Josh Hawkins

The Praetor Suit is your greatest line of defense in Doom Eternal, and as you play through the campaign, you’ll find that the suit has quite a few offensive items to help you through your journey as well. If you want to maximize how effective the Praetor Suit is, though, you’re going to need to purchase some upgrades. In this guide, we’ll discuss how to upgrade the Praetor Suit, allowing you to become even stronger in Doom Eternal.

How to upgrade the Praetor Suit - Doom Eternal

Where you would find upgrade points for the Praetor Suit in fallen marines in Doom 2016, Doom Eternal replaces this method by having Praetor Suit Tokens appear in the form of actual coins being held by specter Sentinels. This makes the items much easier to see throughout your playthrough, and there are quite a few of them hidden throughout the levels in Doom Eternal.

You can unlock points for your Praetor Suit upgrades by collecting Praetor Suit Tokens.

There are a ton of upgrades available for the Praetor Suit including things that make the Dash refill faster, allow the Ice Bomb to be more effective, and even upgrades that will allow you to swap weapons and weapon mods much quicker. As you play, upgrading these items will be important to ensure your arsenal is as powerful as possible. You’ll also want to make sure you’re unlocking weapon mods as well, which will help make your Combat Shotgun and other weapons more effective.

Honestly, players shouldn’t have much trouble upgrading the Praetor Suit in Doom Eternal. While there are definitely some Praetor Suit Tokens that are hidden and contained as secrets throughout the levels, most are pretty up front and available in the normal pathways. This makes it exceptionally easy to amass a nice number of tokens, allowing you to purchase any of the upgrades that you want or need.

Now that you know how to upgrade the Praetor Suit, head back over to our Doom Eternal strategy guide for even more help with id Software’s latest entry in the Doom series.