Marionberry error code - Destiny 2

Published , by Bill Lavoy

Destiny 2 has a lot of error codes to keep track of, but they all share something in common; you can’t play the game. In the case of the Marionberry error code, things might not be as bleak as you might think, as the steps to potential resolution are straightforward.

Marionberry error code

According to the official Bungie help article, Marionberry means a problem with your networking setup, which is often tied to a WiFi blip (losing wireless connectivity briefly), or possibly parental controls being changed and causing problems. According to the article, it can also indicate modem/router firmware or hardware failing.

Before we get into the troubleshooting steps, let me say this. There’s always a chance the error is on the Destiny 2 side and not with your home network. In fact, this is often the case. I have received errors that Bungie claims had to do with my personal NAT settings, but it was a problem with Destiny 2 that resolved itself in a short amount of time. Therefore, the best advice I can give you if you’re receiving an error is to take a break for an hour and see if the problem resolves itself. A bit of patience is always preferred to the inconvenience of ripping apart your home network.

With that out of the way, the suggested troubleshooting steps from Bungie are not difficult or intrusive, and they are something most technical people would advise you try for almost any connectivity problems with almost any software application.

That’s just called a power cycle, and it’s something you’d do if you couldn’t get online even if Destiny 2 was not the service you were trying to use. There’s nothing wrong with taking those steps, but if you are not comfortable, contact your internet service provider (ISP) and ask for their help performing them. We at Shacknews are not experts with your home networking setup or Destiny 2. We cannot help you if any of the above steps lead to other issues. Consult the experts.

Once you’re back online and free of the Marionberry error code, visit our Destiny 2 strategy guide for help with things that are actually fun, like playing the game rather than troubleshooting.