ShackStream: Bringing hell with me

Published , by Josh Hawkins

Doom Eternal is only a few short weeks away, and to be quite honest, I’m already counting down the days. In fact, there are exactly 30 days, 9 hours, and 50 some odd minutes left before Doom Eternal sends us spiraling back into the pits of hell’s strongest forces. If you’re as excited as we are, then there’s only one thing to do—replay Doom 2016.

I’ll be kicking off things at 2:30 PM ET today, so make sure you tune in via the official Shacknews Twitch channel or watch via the embed we’ve included below. I’m very excited to dive back into Doom, as it’s been quite a few months since I took a swing at the game last time. Back when the game first released in 2016, my good pal David Craddock reviewed it here on Shack. In his review, he wrote,

“That a first-person shooter like Doom exists in 2016 is shocking. Its levels are vast and intricately designed, its gameplay diverse and joyful, its toolset robust. Multiplayer is its weak link, but the adaptability of SnapMap is more than enough to offset that.

While other first-person shooters have stepped forward to challenge convention in recent years, none carry the clout and cachet of Doom. For id Software to overcome the challenges specific to its history and craft a shooter that flies in the face of convention marks Doom as nothing short of a triumph—and, one hopes, a sign that change is in the air for a genre in desperate need of it.”

You can check out the full Doom review here, and make sure you tune in to the stream today, and next week as we make our way through Doom 2016 in preparation for Doom Eternal. As always, a huge thanks goes out to all of our Twitch subscribers, as well as our Mercury subscribers. You can subscribe to us on Twitch using your Twitch Prime sub or join the legions of Mercury subs here on the site for just $1 a month. What a deal, right?

Anyway, I’ve got demons to slay, so make sure you jump over to the Shacknews channel and join the fun this afternoon. I hope to see you there.