Kumite in Tennessee offers 0-2 shot glass specifically for losing players

Published , by TJ Denzer

For first-time or novice players of fighting game competition, going 0-2 is just a fact of life. It has happened to nearly every player at every skill level. The nerves of competition get to you, you come against a good player or player that knows how to beat your characters, or you just don’t play like you think you should have. That said, it’s not any less of a bitter feeling. The organizers of Kumite in Tennessee know the sour feels and they’re aiming to soften them a bit with a little gift for those who drown in the pools at their event.

Kumite Gaming announced a little addendum to their upcoming Kumite in Tennessee competition on December 5, 2019. For anyone who goes 0-2 in competition, Kumite will give them a free 0-2 shotglass to drink their pain away (or just carry away as a nice keepsake). For those who don’t know, most fighting game tournaments are double elimination. “Going 0-2” means losing to an opponent once to fall into the Loser’s bracket, and then losing to another opponent to be eliminated from competition.

Kumite in Tennessee is slated to take place in Franklin Tennessee from January 3 to 5, 2020. Registration on Smash.gg is still open to sign up for competition in a number of popular titles including Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Mortal Kombat 11, Tekken 7, Dragon Ball FighterZ, BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle, and more.

As someone who has competed and faced that bitter 0-2 feeling, it’s a cool gesture for Kumite Gaming to offer a little parting gift for the players that sink so others can swim (not to mention more than a little hilarious because I definitely felt like a drink after I lost and I know I’m not alone). We just hope nobody takes advantage to throw games just to get their hands on a glass. We see you and your covetous ways when anything is “free,” FGC. Don’t go ruining a good thing.

Either way, best of luck to anyone in the competition next month, and if you can’t make it a win? Enjoy your free new glass. Meanwhile, keep an eye out for the Tekken 7 World Tour Finals and Last Chance Qualifier going on this weekend.