How does crossplay work in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare?

Published , by Josh Hawkins

Great news for those looking to pick up Call of Duty: Modern Warfare this month, as the game is set to include crossplay capability right from launch. If you’re planning on playing Modern Warfare with your friends, then knowing how crossplay works will be important. We’ll break down everything in the guide below, so let’s dive right in.

How does crossplay work in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare?

In the past, if you were picking up Modern Warfare on a PlayStation 4, but your friends were picking it up on PC or Xbox One, you’d be out of luck when it comes to playing together. Thanks to crossplay, though, you can dive into the latest first-person shooter from Activision with your friends, no matter what console they’re planning on playing on.

In Modern Warfare, crossplay functions will be based upon your chosen input method. For example, those players with mouse and keyboard will be paired up with others using mouse and keyboard, while those using a gamepad can always opt-in to play against mouse and keyboard users. You’ll be limited to whichever input method you started the match with, which means you won’t be able to move between mouse and keyboard to a controller in the middle of a match. This is, of course, to keep people from abusing the system. You also can freely toggle crossplay on and off if you aren’t interested in playing with other platforms.

We tried out crossplay during the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare betas earlier this year, and the feature worked surprisingly well overall. Seeing crossplay become a staple feature in a series like Call of Duty is a huge step forward for bringing the various consoles of the world together. In a time where we spend a lot of time closed off from other gaming ecosystems, it’s nice to see Call of Duty being one of the series helping to lead us to the golden age of connectivity.